Founder Donovan Green is a prime example of this message that we push to emphasize & solidify within our brand. Through circumstances such as homelessness, depression, and countless encounters of direct and indirect pain & strife, he learned that after his Lord & Savior, he had no one to depend on but himself. Given the gambles he took on other people & things that were minuscule in meaning and monumental in message, he began to take a tenacious approach to reconstruct his mental outlook on his life.



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Just as our name states, we don't take a risk on or for anyone else, under any circumstance. Do the unthinkable. Or do the conventional. Both take guts, will, and energy in motion. Make your choice heard loud and clear with this piece from Always Bet On Yourself.

  • PERSONAL: Using Your Frustration For Fuel

    "I thought a picket fence was my dream. Now, I want a compound. I thought one relationship would make me happy. Now, I want all my relationships to bring me happiness, and vice versa. It's frustrating when those things don't come to fruition when you want them to. You adapt as a person, your goals adapt, your dreams adapt. Your joys and pains will adapt as well. As human beings, we share in the same struggles. We don't suffer alone. Nor do we succeed alone. That's the beautiful thing about this life. It's a shared experience."

  • The Long Game: From Patience to Prowess

    "Charisma comes from confidence, which comes from preparation--more times than not at least. But in all sports, there are defining moments. Key moments that only true great athletes can take advantage of and recognize as their time to make their mark. What keeps us from looking at our lives the same way? Why don't we recognize the defining moments we have each and every day? What keeps us so focused on the short game, that we end up playing and losing the long game on the next hole?"

  • Chutes & Ladders: The Cycle of Humility

    "It's very interesting to me how people become so confused and distraught at how their lives humble them after they would be exalting themselves. "Things were going so well, then _____ happened! I thought I was on the right track!" That image oftentimes makes me think about how a football player begins to celebrate about the 15-20 yard line. Not knowing that a defender is closing in behind them attempting to, as the kids would say: catch him slippin'."

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