It Takes A Village: Building A Community For Tomorrow July 6, 2021 Are you close-knit with your neighbors? The cashier at your gas station? At your grocery store? Or are you isolated from the people with whom you occupy the same...
The Long Game: From Patience to Prowess June 16, 2021Although I have a clothing brand by the name of Always Bet On Yourself, I still work a 9-5 to support it. Is there anything wrong with that? Absolutely not. But...
PERSONAL: Using Your Frustration For Fuel March 28, 2021I'm not gonna sit here and act as if I don't take offense to things. Even if it doesn't have anything to do with me, I can still take those...
The Power of Commitment: The Benefits of Being One-Dimensional March 21, 2021 In this day and age, it is a positive and productive practice to multitask. It's `smiled upon to have multiple things going at once. "Keep yourself busy," they...
E-Motion Sickness: The Impact of Influence March 14, 2021 Drake once said, "Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time." Although I do think some of Mr. Graham's bars are discredited (personally), this was a very profound...
L O A D I N G: From Resistance to Relentless February 28, 2021 In the market, there are two levels in consolidation: support and resistance. A support level in consolidation is when a stock's price hits a proverbial "floor", and the contrast of...