Intro: About Me

Intro: About Me

Hello all.

Welcome to the "official" ABOY apparel site! I'm so happy I began this, since starting my own clothing brand has been a huge dream of mine since i was a teenager. Technically, I'm still a teenager (19, 20 in September), but nonetheless, it's going to be a very fun ride. I will be doing blog posts on this page, and I may well transfer these posts to a different platform in the near future. Maybe Tumblr. If you are reading this and you are somewhat interested in the owner of the brand (wink wink), I have my social media accounts attached to the site. But in favor of this being a "blog post," I will tell you a bit about myself.

I was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana on the Far Eastside. There are some Hoosiers that know of the Eastside very fondly as I do. Sadly, there aren't many opportunities for a creative in that environment. So, me being a graduate of the 2019 class (thankfully), I ventured  off on my own a few weeks after my commencement ceremony from Lawrence North High School. Fun fact: my mother, Rachel Langford, and my sister, Donielle Green, both graduated from Lawrence North. Both are business owners, respectively. But my first year out of high school weren't exactly "fun."

The thing about accomplishment is that there are downfalls before and after it. I was pretty green to the world, regardless of who prepared me and how much I thought I was prepared. On June 26th, a little more than two weeks after my graduation, I took a MegaBus from Indianapolis to Nashville, where I was then taken to Oak Grove, Kentucky. A friend of mine, who was my ride at the bus stop in Nashville, was apart of the military and was based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. To keep this brief, I was in over my head. BUT, I did end up moving in with that friend of mine in Hopkinsville, Kentucky into a place of our own, and where I was a call center agent selling Medicare plans through UnitedHealthcare. The pay was great, for a high school graduate at least, but I was sick of punching a clock. My mother had pushed me to work since I was 15, and I'd been working since 16, and had a plethora of stints in all kinds of workplaces, mostly food. So this was a refreshing change of pace, but yet it still wasn't what I wanted. It wasn't my passion, it just paid the bills. So, I quit. Subsequently after, my roommate and I were evicted in January of 2020.

So now that you are caught up, you are probably wondering a lot of things. Why did you quit a good paying job? Why didn't you suck it up? How'd you get evicted? Who's fault was it? Trust me, reader, I have often asked the very questions, if not more mind-boggling than the sample ones I assume you have. The answers to all of these questions is pretty much this: 

I wasn't happy.

And I can already hear the sighs and groans. Happiness doesn't pay bills or keep the lights and water on, of course not. But the pursuit, that is happiness in itself. What is happiness to you? Is it money? Is it sex? Drugs? ASMR videos on YouTube? My happiness takes all facets of my life into account. Those facets are:

- Mind : the pursuit of knowledge, awareness, and self control

- Body : proper fuel to keep your "vehicle" going, being physically fit

- Soul : fostering a strong relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which is within me

Very simple concept if you think about it. Most of the time, you can have one without the others. Yet, that is how the average human lives; not satisfying what really pushes you and drives you to tap into your raw potential. My philosophy is that it is very much possible, through these three facets, to become your best self. Now...what does this have to with ABOY?

If you haven't checked out our Who We Are page, I suggest you go see what this brand is about and what it represents. For me, the owner, it represents exactly what I want, and what many want out of this lifetime. Security. Whether that be financially, physically; in terms of time & place, and the security of knowing that you have an asset that can be passed down from generation to generation. Leaving this world with nothing to pass on is my biggest fear. On the contrary, I feel I will be remembered for reasons like this. Maybe my story will inspire the next Donovan Green to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and "get it out the mud." But that's what I'll leave. Whether it's my music, this brand, or anything else I set forth to do, I know that once I leave, I left my mark. Strive to leave yours as well.


- II

1 comment

word! you’re doing a great thing cuzzo- we the generation ✊🏽✌🏽


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