PLAYER 1: the first person narrative

PLAYER 1: the first person narrative

I always like to think of life as a good book. One with dynamic characters, a constantly evolving plot, and important lessons weaved throughout. I oftentimes find myself thinking about the tales that are unfolding in the daily happenings of people, and where I may fit into their stories. Depending on whose life I’m being portrayed in, I could be a background character that just happens to be there, or maybe I am playing a more important role like a friend that is there whenever they're needed. I also think about my story, relishing in and appreciating the events that have taken place in my life. Every person on Earth to me is the main character living through a reality unique to them. Personally, the world I live in has been filled with an excitement for life, learning, and a constant desire for something greater. We all have a story to live through and talk about; this fact is what bears the beauty of life. 

We must also keep in mind that we are the authors of our story, we have agency in the way that we live. Every now and again it is important to remind yourself that you are in the driver’s seat. For me, this reminder comes in the form of writing introspective pieces that keep me grounded, sticking to a schedule to give my life order, doing at-home workouts that reinvigorate me in the morning and release any pent up energy before I rest, and the most important to me, just breathing for 5 minutes the moment I wake up in the morning. These little steps I take are all an effort to gain a sense of control over my life.

I have preached about regarding yourself as the center and commander of your life; every action you put out into the world has a reaction that involves you in some way and I firmly stand on that idea, but there is a balance that needs to be kept between focusing on your story and recognizing others stories. Take a step away from the microcosm of your own life and acknowledge the bigger picture. As I previously mentioned, everyone has their own story to live through and tell. For this harmony of intertwining lives to continue, we all have to do our part and respect the lives of others. To put it simply: you are the main character of your story, not everyone else’s. This is a boundary that must be respected. 

“You have to start romanticizing your life. You have to start thinking of yourself as the main character. Because if you don’t, life will continue to pass you by, and all of the little things that make it so beautiful will continue to go unnoticed. So take a second and look around and realize it’s a blessing for you to be here right now.”


I took this quote from a popular TikTok, and I feel like it really encapsulates the message I am trying to get across. My main point is not the cliché “don’t let life pass you by,” but to realize that you are alive, and respect the fact that you are not by just simply existing but living, there is a major difference.

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1 comment

This was an amazing read! Thank you!

Yolanda James

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